Here is an update for this weekends Canterbury Provincials
- Each shooter will be allocated to either zone 2 using traps 3-9 or zone 3 using traps 1, 2 & 10. Only those in zone 2 may enter the clubrooms (zone 1)
- Under COVID rules no can you cross over to zone 2 from zone 3 or from zone 3 to 2
- Catering provided for Zone 2 shooters only.
- Zone 3 shooters to bring their own food and drink
- You will be requested to stop before the cottage and sign in for COVID and then directed to your zone.
- Appropriate social distancing is to be maintained at all times.
- Pre-Squadding has taken place and will be published and e-mailed
- If you still wish to enter the competition, please phone Sheryl 0274 200 620 to see if there is a space available.
- It would be appreciated if all entry fees are paid online. CCTC Westpac bank account 03-0854-0659559-002 use your NZCTA Number as your reference, please.
- Skeet will start at 9 am, after 3 waves double rise and minis will commence as odds and evens
- Due to numbers entered and COVID restrictions we respectfully request no spectators
- Hand sanitiser will be available at various stations in both zones